When you visit our website following data are automatically stored:
- your IP-address
- search engine or referral page
- pages you visit on our website
- date, time and duration of your visit on our website
- http-response-code
- basic information about your browser and operation system
You can use this website without communicating your personal data.
However visitors of the website can register via the website or pop-ups to receive our newsletter, invitations or content update notifications.
The personal data (name, first name, email address) entered by visitors at registration, are integrated and processed in the database of Mailchimp. The personal data are not shared with third parties.
You can at all times unsubscribe/update/delete your profile by using the links at the bottom of our newsletters or by contacting us by using our
contact form.
You guarantee that the data you communicate are true and complete. Communicating false identities, incomplete or incorrect data or data belonging to third parties who have not given authorisation, can lead to the user being refused temporary or permanently, full or partial access to the website